Jag har kollat lite datum och skulle gärna vilja komma över till er i Durban nu under April om det passar er. Jag skulle även vilja att du kolla vilka datum som passar er att komma till våran studio i sommar??
I checked some dates and would love to come over to you now in durban april if it suits you. I would also like you to check the dates that suit you to come to our studio this summer?
I have checked a little date and would like to get across to you in Durban in April if it suits you. I would also like you to check out the dates that suit you to come to our studio this summer??
I have checked a little date and would like to come over to you in Durban is now in April if it suits you. I would also like to that you can check the date that suits you to come to our Studio in the summer.